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battle of trafalgar in Chinese

How to pronounce "battle of trafalgar""battle of trafalgar" in a sentence"battle of trafalgar" meaning

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  • 特拉法尔加海战
  • 特拉法尔加战役
  • 特拉法加海战
  • 特拉法加战役


  • Battle of trafalgar
  • The naval captain who defeat napoleon in the battle of trafalgar in1805 , and so stop him from invade england
  • He formed an alliance with russia , austria and sweden , and after victory at the battle of trafalgar , was hailed as the saviour of europe
  • The setting was especially appropriate as the royal navy prepares to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the battle of trafalgar later this year
  • At the heart of mr rush ' s lyricism are his descriptions of the people who influenced him as a boy : his violent drunkard of a father , an “ intruder from the open ocean whose ship had gone wrong ” ; old leebie , a coil of blue tobacco smoke hanging round her head as she told the child about an ancestor who embalmed the body of lord nelson after the battle of trafalgar ; and mr rush ' s grandfather ? perhaps the most influential of all , for the flavour of this man of the sea runs throughout the book as certainly as the ebb and flood of the tides
    在这些抒情诗般的描绘中,拉什的重心在于描写其孩提时代对他深有影响的那些人:他粗暴的酒鬼父亲,一个“驶坏了船只,来自大洋的入侵者” ;老利比,她会边吸烟边向孩子们讲述她的祖先如何在特拉法加战役之后处理保护了纳尔逊子爵的尸身,这时袅袅的青烟便在她的头部周围划成了一个烟圈;还有他的祖父? ?也许是所有人中影响他最深的一个人,因为他对这个属于海洋的男人的喜爱始终贯穿于全书,这一点就像潮水的涨退一样确信不疑。

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What is the meaning of battle of trafalgar in Chinese and how to say battle of trafalgar in Chinese? battle of trafalgar Chinese meaning, battle of trafalgar的中文battle of trafalgar的中文battle of trafalgar的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.